David Archuleta and david Cook LiVE IN MANILA

Antonio Aquitania

Name: Antonio Aquitania
Nickname: Tonio
Birthday: January 16, 1977
Showbiz anniversary: October 25, 1998

Hobbies: Surfing the internet, body building
Sports: Basketball, swimming
TV Show: Bubble Gang, Hokus Pokus

Q & A
Why did you enter show business? To be able to help my family financially and be a better person in time

What do you consider as the turning point in your career? When I got the chance to join the “Bench” family and exposed to fashion shows and showing sexy outfit. I got some mature roles in the movie and TV. I guess that’s one thing that expands my horizon.

What is your advice to aspiring artists? Be true to yourself. Know where you’re good at. If it’s comedy or drama, get yourself into workshops and don’t limit yourself one craft. Expand your horizon.